My Story
Hi everyone I would like to share our Scentsy story with each of you!!
Married 22 years and currently I am serving in the United States Army. Husband served in the United States Navy for 12 Years. We have 4 wonderful children and 3 grandkids. When introduced to Scentsy I was deployed and my husband kept telling me you have to see this stuff and it smells so good. When I got home I walked into the house for the first time from deployment and was overwelmed by decorations and stopped in my tracks and wanted to know what that awesome smell was. It was the scent Welcome Home. Fitting huh!!! He showed me how it worked and said you should sell this. My husband asking me to sell something wow. I was just wanting to know how to get more. It took me about a month and was convinced only because I am so dedicated to the US Army is only why. Trying to find time. I work so many hours with the Army. I am a Combat Medic.And now I am an Instructor for Combat medicine. I always get deployed and seems like when I do get home all I wanted to do was spend time with family. As I smelled the new scents I became addicted to them. I wish I could say I joined because I wanted my own business and all those perks. But I joined by my husband signing me up. (While I was deployed) So i thought wow I can just do it to support my own habit. I joined in Feburay of 2012 and didn't really sell anything that whole year. I actually only sold over $350 in sales and did not sell it for just about a year. I even packed everything up. I thought wow I just want to sell to myself because I was afraid to speak to people asking them if they want to buy it or invest into the compnay. I received a phone call that I had a new Sponsor which is my Director. I thought wow I havent done anything with Scentsy at all. At this point I did not do anything but think. I went to work as usuall and was sitting in an office when another Army Soldier had said " Man I need bulbs " I think she was talking to herself. Me being so nosey when it came to Scentsy; I asked her what she was talking about. She looked at me and said the name and commenced on telling me what Scentsy was. I just smiled and told her I know what it is darling I sell it myself. At this point I didnt sell any for almost a year but I still had stuff at my house. I said to her hey what size bulb you need; she told me the 25 watt bulb and said really I didnt know you sold it. I said to myself; "Man I guess I didnt tell annyone because I was scared to be rejected. And that sure was not the way to have a business. I told her hey I dont do it too much any more so I will just give her a couple of my bulbs. The next day when I came in I handed her like 3 bulbs and walked away. She yelled down the hallway; SSG Noll can you give me a book and a couple of order forms? I told her yes and gave them to her. Not realizeing at that moment my Life was about to change for the better. Two days later she handed me about 5 order forms and said here you go SSG Noll. We would like to order these. It was a 750 PRV order. The one order was more than I did the whole year. From there I called my Director/Sponsor and told her hey I am thinking about coming back and start selling again. She was happy and helped me find folks that would let me borrow things to get my business back up and running. I became a sponsor to my first recruit and started getting sales and I was amazed at how fun this was. Even though trying to struggle Army with my own business. Then I realized that I am good at getting sales and great at getting people to sign up. And out of all the ones I have helped sign up each of them are as equally special to me. Every month I just about faint when I look at everyones numbers. In June I made Super Star Consultant and November made Director. I am very proud of that. I have earned trips to Cancun and Las Vegas all expense paid. WOW right?? And all because of Scentsy. I Love Scentsy so much I have incoorperated it into my Army life style and work. I always have a warmer going at work and always introduce it to every Soldier I came accross and still do. This product is awesome and the Army knows it too. It is one of the only things allowed to be running in any ones office or room without catching fire. So its easy to be able to sell it. Asking everyone I know if they know Scentsy gets me excited. I love all the new fragrances and all the new warmers. And I know you will also and Remember you can make your own hours. Just like I do.